Advanced Drama / Stage Production
Dramatic concepts, performance, improvisation, stage design
New content each year, suitable for students to repeat multiple years

Class size:
minimum 10, maximum 20

Additional fees:
$50 - scripts and music fees

Class options: (Meets once/week)
4-7th grade: (Tues-2) 10:10-11:30
7-12th grade: (Wed-3) 12:05-1:25

Pre-requisites for class:
Drama, or previous acting experience* See instructor

Graduation requirement:
Fine Arts credit for high school
Course Description
This course will be for students who have completed the Drama I course or who have previous acting experience (but will be up to the teacher's discretion). We will dive deeper into many of the concepts introduced in the Drama I class. We will explore more opportunities in improvisation. We will also be working on longer monologues and putting together more short plays and scenes. Students will gain knowledge of how to audition and practice this process. We will be working on learning how to project and enunciate better on stage. This class will be challenged to continue expanding all their dramatic and stage skills. Students can continue to take this class for as many years as they desire as the curriculum and plays will evolve and adapt for them.
This class will prepare and perform a Christmas play at the end of the first semester. This group will also be performing a longer, more involved play at the Drama review at the end of the second semester.
​Important note: This class can be taken repeatedly for consecutive years. The curriculum will continue to change and plays will never repeat. Students will always be learning new things and can feel comfortable knowing the class will continue to grow with them.
Required Books & Materials
3 ring notebook
Notebook paper
Classwork / Homework
Class time will consist of learning about dramatic concepts and proper performance techniques. Students will perform monologues in class and will work together on partner dialogue and scene performances. Class time will be used for rehearsals on partner work and preparing for performances.
Students will be required to work on their monologues and scene lines outside of class. Memorization will be required for most performances both in class and on stage.
Approximate time for homework: Times will vary but should not be more than an hour per week. There will also be one or two additional rehearsals leading up to our performance.
Stage Production
A limited number of students will be allowed to enroll in the class to focus on stage production, rather than acting in front of a live audience at open performances. These students will learn the basics of set design, managing drama performances, collecting and organizing props, and introduction to directing.
Students enrolling in Stage Production will participate in all activities in class, including those activities that teach drama skills. The exception will be that Stage Production students will have a different role when the class begins rehearsing for Christmas and end of year performances. To enroll, select STAGE PRODUCTION-ADV for your class choice.